Currently waiting for time to pass
Time master , sorry for wasting the tick tock
You granted to everyone
Waiting to depart to airport
Travel partner
A companion to explore and trying new stuff
Wrong travel partner really will make your trip bored
And most importantly no fun
The truth was
Initially was a solo trip
Consideration define people
Define the circle of people you're close with
People change
Not emo nor sad
This is normal
Just can't accept
Why people just changed and became inconsiderate
Why judging a book with its cover
Okay , forget about the iinconsideration
but does self contradiction
Makes you feel good ? Hmmmm
Telling people that A no good ,
At the end says A not bad
In just 5 second time
Due to faking
That's alot more example
In short , there's alot of fake people
The moment when people which is very true
For years become fake
I was shocked
I hope I can be true all the time
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